First 5G-Connected Cars


Researchers have long thought that if cars can communicate with one another they can navigate and respond to road conditions without human intervention. Until recently, this was only a theory because wireless technology was too slow to provide the necessary data speeds required but thanks to a new 5G network this theory is being put to the test.

In partnership with wireless giant Ericsson, SK Telecom built a 5G network spanning 240,000 square meters, about half the size of the Vatican. With a peak transmission rate of 20 gigabits per second, the network has less than a millisecond of latency.

The new technology was demonstrated at a BMW racetrack in Inchon, South Korea. Two BMWs equipped with on-board ultra-definition cameras sent video via dedicated 5G stations. Presently, wireless signals were sent to drivers, but in the future this technology could be entirely automated.

5G connected vehicles could beat other wireless solutions to production because of its wide range of applications and likely adoption. Currently used for Europe’s Cooperative ITS Corridor between Amsterdam to Vienna, dedicated short range communications (DSRC) is 5G’s biggest rival. Although still in its infancy, 5G technology could be driving cars in years to come.

Technology continues to ignite innovation across all industries, including transportation. Here at Eclipse, our forward thinking team looks to pilot projects just like this for inspiration to incorporate cutting-edge technology into our customer’s projects.

Source: IEEE Spectrum