Smart Tape Measure for Accuracy

Since its introduction in 1868, the tape measure has proven to be an incredibly valuable tool, helping individuals in all industries receive accurate measurements. Though the simple metal tape design is practical when measuring straight distances on flat surfaces, it can be a challenge for other procedures including measuring rounded surfaces. A startup company has […]

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New Standard for American Transit

Production of a modernized Brightline train is currently underway in California, which will connect Miami, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, and Orlando, by this time next year. The train will include more comfort and technology than current trains available in the country, giving passengers a quick, enjoyable ride to their destination. To create these trains, […]

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Robot Employees At California Pizzeria

In Mountain View, California, Zume Pizza has opened, and, like most pizzerias, offers affordable take-out options. From the outside, the pizzeria appears to be a typical store, producing classic pizzas for an affordable price; however the baking process is anything but traditional. Zume’s staff includes two robot employees, who work alongside humans to efficiently create […]

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Gene-Editing for Human Trials

CRISPR-Cas9, an innovative technique used to modify genes, has recently been approved by a federal ethics and biosafety panel for the first-time trials on human being. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania aim to remove cells from a patient, edit their properties to let them better fight cancerous cells, and administer them back into the […]

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Prototype Collects Ocean Waste

Roughly eight million metric tons of plastic makes its way into the ocean each year, where it floats around until it is consumed by sea creatures or collected on the sea floor. To eliminate some of this waste, a nonprofit company in the Netherlands, called The Ocean Cleanup, has begun an initiative to rid the […]

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